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Posts posted by Logroller

  1. for the big rock step up, hit it fast right up the middle and don't flail your feet like me.. I've done it a few times and its still a bit sketchy.


    It seems totally fine and at the same time, like you mentioned has it's sketchiness, because it wouldn't take much to falter on it i.e., letting off the gas (a stall would not be good as bail out options are not happy time options), giving too much gas and looping it near the top. I think the bottom transition is the biggest obstacle to conquer when combined with the incline and length of the climb. I think if you transition the bottom well and are smooth on the throttle, you'll say to yourself once at the top, ahh, that was easy.

    I know from going down it that the only issue was too much speed with a short runway (or at least it was shorter, looks like some bushes have been cleared out by 4x4 rampage) I'll take it slower next time so I don't have to toss myself off in to the bushes. As for up next time, yeah center line.

    We did this run after riding 3 down and about 3 hrs of trail time. It's short, but I like that trail. It was a good technical run to semi-end the day.

    Your pic makes the steepness look less than reality. Damn photos distortion, argh.

  2. My first try, I stalled mid-way up and luckily recovered with a slow fall to my left. A rightward fall would not have been fun. I'll blame it on the fact that I was not on my bike. At least that's what I'm going with. Got it on the next try to end up in a rock ditch at the top. Next time we do this we'll go up the steeper part to the left with less unseen obstacles. I've been down the steeper part once before, it is smooth, but you gotta watch the transition speed at the bottom.

    Of course all of these Gopro stills make things look flatter, easier, smaller than they really are in person. While this rock has a good slope to it, especially to the left, it's not anything crazy (yeah, that is subjective). It's smooth with only the bottom being a little abrupt.

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  3. Got to note that this time of year is always awesome for riding. The temps, sun intensity, all of it was great. There was a bit of an inversion going on in the sky, but you could still see downtown SD and Coronado from the tower.

    I was at CC with a few others today (Sunday), saw some quads at the Pine Valley exit at 7ish, looked like kids. Drove on to the Kernan trail head. Did not see a single moto or quad anywhere. We did Kernan, single track out of 4 corners, 1, 3, Ranger, 5, new jeep trail, maybe something else. We did encounter a few jeeps on the new Jeep trail coming up behind us and a few mtn bikers going back on Kernan and that's it (both of which we saw without issue). Gotta love it when the trails are open. It seems to always play out that way for me at CC - very few encounters with others.


  4. Chad, I'm in for riding with you guys again. Now that we sort of know each others ride pace/style, seems like a fit for more rides.

    And for what it's worth (all humor aside) I was/am sick, but by the powers of ignorance and some luck I was able enough to power through it. I think my laughing while rolling down the hill (without my bike) at the end of the day was proof that I was on something.

    Adrenaline is a powerful drug.

    Cheers, L


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