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Everything posted by Logroller

  1. Logroller


    Either I am too sick right now to figure out that last line or it is above my skill level in comprehension. I think I got what you meant, but WHAT
  2. Logroller

    Landscape Service

    I have my own business, Lulo Eco. Check us out on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lulo-Eco/136957279787708 Unfortunately AATA, that is a heck of a drive. It's about 60 miles one way for us. However, depending on the initial work needed and weekly service there might be a fit for us. Send me a PM and if it doesn't work out for us, I might have a a referral or two for you.
  3. Logroller


    Just got this one off TT. http://www.thumpertalk.com/topic/996773-stay-in-shape-for-riding/
  4. Logroller


    Good times you tell.
  5. Logroller


    ^^^^ As we all know, ice cream makes the booboos better. For my knees I have found not crashing to be a huge knee saver. :wacko:/>/>/> Stretching my ITband, hamstring and arse seem to help a lot with the knees and more. And I mean regular deep stretching along with muscle strengthening or maintaining. If you've never had a deep massage on the outer part of your thigh (ITBand), I'll tell ya there is some pain to be endured both during the massage and a few days after. But it really does do the job in putting some slack back in to that tight rubber band.
  6. Logroller


    There could be different reasons i.e., diet, body weight, lack of stretching (the entire leg area, as well as your butt and back), lack of exercise (proper knee strengthening), age, degenerative issues or Osteoarthritis, wrong braces for you (even though they seem to "fit well"), a combination of everything or something different altogether. There really isn't anything specific any of us can tell you, other than try new things diet and exercise and/or see someone who knows the body e.g., Doctor, physical therapist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, etc. P.S. motos are terrible for knees. Unless of course it's on a cruiser or bike that takes all stress off the knees, then you're set for life. But I ride sport bikes and dirties and that has done them in.
  7. Logroller


    You should invent "Piladio." Then you would be flexible with stamina.
  8. Logroller


    I guess I felt obligated.
  9. Logroller


    The foam roller can feel unpleasant when applied with too much pressure, say at the side of the thigh, but it helps do the job in stretching things out like the ITband. Which is tight on most people and causes stress in the knees, upper and lower leg, etc.
  10. Logroller


    I felt the need to post this pic I found on TT. It's just too good. Thought I would call the thread "Awesome," with the idea others might want to post some awesome moto things in to one thread. Now hopefully this pic isn't a repost.
  11. Interested in the first and last options. I won't know if I can go until the end of the week.
  12. Logroller

    noob ride this sat?

    No can do on road riding. The bike is legal for it, but my arse doesn't agree with it. Have fun and be safe. By the way, what are you riding?
  13. Good stuff, it's been a loooooong time since I've been out that way.
  14. I like the MARS effect.
  15. What happened to Cahuillalalla....uh, for riding Sunday? I was ready to go.
  16. Have fun Chat with people - through words or body language Take pictures Share with group
  17. Yes'um, nice day it was. The little Nissan by the tree was the tow ride for the TE450 and TE449. We left around 12:30/45.
  18. Logroller

    Bike Porn

    So, can you tell us what's on that thingy i.e., cc's, mods.....wheels, tires, pipes, brakes, bars, engine mods, etc, etc.......? All I can make out is an Akrapovic pipe(s), Factory Racing case cover, maybe aftermarket plastics, ??? Looks good.
  19. Uh, what I said here On our second leg on the day we entered the trails up by the last north Lark campground, tooled around and around and unbeknownst to us ended up at the south end of the whoops sand trap staging area. We thought we were still north of the staging area. Good 'Ol McCain, as always, just when you think you're doing circles you find out that you're not even close to where you thought you were. Any ride is a great ride, where no one gets hurt. As was the case today, even when someone's bike had no front brakes going down the rock slope. Which I believe I saw. That must of been the guy who locked up the rear brake coming down.
  20. No worries on the leave time. We actually did not know the time until we got back. I should have been more specific on the lookout I was referring to. It is the Carrizo Overlook about 5 or 6 miles north of the staging area we were parked at today. The road is for plated vehicles only. As for the road "looking" like it goes on and on, it only looks that way, but doesn't.
  21. Two of us rode until noon. Came back to the truck and the other five had gone home. KTM-licious: The lookout is about 6 miles down the road, although it felt like 1 mile. Haha. Great view of Anza, S. Sea and more. As far as I can tell there is nothing to stop you from continuing on down the road for miles and miles.
  22. I'll have an extra gallon can. I doubt I'll be doing more than what my tanks holds (2.5gal sort of). My knees have been buggin' hard all of day today. So with Bikeslut's fuel, my fuel and Ktm-L's ride, we'll see you out there.
  23. Afry, you have a ride via ktm-licious. He put the offer out there. Send him a message. Maybe you two can meet somewhere, like hwy8 and the 67
  24. You can show up on your bicycle for all i care and still probably ride better than most of us Quick question, does one need the adventure pass to park at Lark? I know it is required at Corral Canyon but wasn't sure about Lark. A, that's a Cleveland Nat'l forest placed fee, we're going to a BLM area and that means... no parking fee. I love BLMs.

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