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Everything posted by Logroller

  1. Logroller

    wow 3 Huskys at Lark

    Where can I get one of these, "foldable motorcycle" you speak of? Ah, found it. A true trail bike. http://www.diblasi.com/bagbikeslarge1.jpg :heh:
  2. Logroller

    wow 3 Huskys at Lark

    1Kstep I too often let off the throttle too much knowing I need to stay on it. As you said, more muscle memory helps us overcome our brain. I totally wish I had a 300 series Husky or Katoom, even a 250 for those rocks. Those things must feel great to whip around the area.
  3. Logroller

    wow 3 Huskys at Lark

    Yes it was, it was a terrific day. Nice meeting you Robert and Dario. We had planned on going somewhere other than McCain today and riding only until noonish, but the dirt gods had a plan for us. I couldn't ask for more, other than parts not falling off the bike and my odometer lines not getting cut ( ). But even with that stuff, the parts were found and the bike still ran strong as usual. No complaints at all, because we rode, we played, and left McCain around 3pm and we are injury free.
  4. Crikey, we're literally bridging gaps between the world or at least within it.
  5. It's the 125 overpass. Toll road from South Bay to Lemon Grove-ish. Ah-ha, see what happens when you move away. They build things while you are gone.
  6. What is up with that bridge. I've been up on the mtn looking down at that bridge and thought, is this Sarah Palin's bridge to nowhere? Why or what is the purpose of the bridge in that location, anyone???
  7. 5 hour upload for 3 minutes...priceless.
  8. Good stuff and yes it did look taxing.
  9. Four of us did a little dirt time out in the Ocotillo Wells area on Sunday.
  10. Here you go HVYWT. Of course it's not as good as the other photo-shop DUST pic.
  11. Chad, the number thing is a good trick. I've had some experience with the triple combo of people, bikes and head trauma. Not anything I ever wish to repeat seeing/helping with, but you do what ya got to do when someone is in need, whether that person in need knows it or not. There are a few other tricks/tale-tell signs. I thought you were good to go, a little shaken, but good to go. Otherwise I would have taken action. He was, but in all fairness, the "dust" was photo-shopped in. :heh:/>/>/>
  12. That was probably the best area for some jumps. There is some video coming and maybe that will show some of our HUGE air. By "huge" I mean half a foot high. :skull:/> The weather was nice, but things are starting to warm up out there. I'd say before the end of the month the 80s to 90s will be the norm. It was about low to mid 80s on Sunday. But it will drop 10 degrees this week with the approaching storm.
  13. Hey Crusty, I've been meaning to ask you and perhaps I already did or I posted the question in another thread to all, what knee braces are you using? Pros, Cons, comparison, etc info would be helpful as well. I really do not have the funds right now to thrown down $600 in braces, but then again, I really don't have the funds right now for knee surgery if I were to trash a knee. Knees that have already been banged up bad enough. This question is open to more than Crusty. And again, sorry for the repost, if that is the case. My Sleep Reaper (9month old child) takes all that I've got for memory retention. Cheers, Logroller
  14. Logroller

    Otay Mountain Sunday

    we've always left the bikes at Pio Pico with never any issues... if more people show up, we've parked across the street as well. Campground attendants in golf carts have always seen us, and never said a word. Jay- I usually stop and get gas in Jamul as well... its easy, will give you a chance to stretch your legs, buy a coffee, piddle, whatever, and you know the ride is only 10 minutes away I won't be going on this trek as I have a desert ride date the same day. Have fun guys, you'll have a great view from the radio tower hill of both S.D. and Mexico. You'll also be able to get right up to the fenced border to blow Mexico a kiss. Also, if you don't want to or feel funny about parking at Pio Rico/campgrounds, I like the open spot just down the road another 100 yards. It's an open spot near a gated vehicle storage area at the very east end of the (townish area). You cannot miss it and there is plenty of room for multiple vehicles without getting in anyone's way. In this Google map you'll see one last large trailer parked on the north side of the road at the end of of the map, that's the spot. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=14615+Otay+Lakes+Road,+ca&hl=en&ll=32.652677,-116.851605&spn=0.003645,0.006968&sll=33.03528,-116.870197&sspn=0.117574,0.222988&t=h&hnear=14615+Otay+Lakes+Rd,+Jamul,+San+Diego,+California+91935&z=18
  15. I won't be going, so have a safe good time. But I do have a question for you. Are you slabbing it on a CRF250L? If so, whoa! That's more freeway than I'd want to do on the little guy. Shoot, I don't even want to slab it with my TE450. So I give you kudos for riding the lil' 250L out to your ride location via the freeway.
  16. The answer to your question is, frack it, I'm racing right now. He got 3rd place too.
  17. Anyone else read this story? There are pics and a video. http://www.thumpertalk.com/topic/1005595-rock-from-roost-stuck-in-face/
  18. Logroller

    Basin Wash

    What's the gallon size of that Acerbis tank?
  19. Alien poop fossilized. :heh:/> Or just water erosion. Yeah, probably Aliens. Anyway, glad you guys made it out to the pumpkin patch, now there are more people to show me where it is. Wish I could have made it, but the family time was a good exchange. So I hear there are talks about a ride out east next MONDAY (18th)!!!! I'm lurking.
  20. Logroller

    Sunday the 10th

    Kato is slabbing it out and it looks like everyone else is set with a ride. Looks I'm out for this one. :crying_anim02:/>/> Going on a walk with the dog right now, wish me luck in finding some cash on the sidewalk so I can put gas in the truck tank to meet you guys. :weird:/>/>
  21. Logroller

    Sunday the 10th

    I believe Kato was looking for a ride your timeline is about the same as ours Thanks Bob, message sent to Kato. Anyone else looking to carpool???
  22. Logroller

    Sunday the 10th

    I would like to go, but my funds are stink right now and I cannot afford to burn 200+ miles in vehicle gas to get out to Ocotillo Wells and back (that's about the distance from my house). If someone has room in their truck or trailer for a Husky TE450 I can pitch in some gas money or we can take my little Nissan pickup which fits two metal steeds. I'm in North Park so we can work out where to meet depending on me riding with you or the other way. Oh and I need to be back in S.D. by 3:30pm at the latest.
  23. Logroller

    noobs at lark

    Man, either these photos look right or I'm more sick than I thought.

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