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Everything posted by KIP

  1. Sorry I missed it - Rivera is within walking distance of where I live. But I am stuck working the next couple weekends.
  2. KIP


    Was there a Hodaka in the back? If so right time and place and sticker, could of been me. No bike - Just some guy with patches on his left sleeve - passed him with my red F-150
  3. KIP

    Officer Shoots Rider

    I have been pulled over many times - I have no idea why But you will never see me sit there without both hands on the wheel, on the bars, or in the air. Visible and not at my side, in my lap or near my body. I will show this to my kids and teach them the same. Yeah the cop was very quick on the trigger - staying behind the door and giving direction over the PA should be standard procedure.
  4. KIP

    Back in the Dirt

    You did great in CC with that BRP on Death Wings . With different tires - lookout
  5. Good if you like your bike to be a giant battle-wagon like mine. Think they had the wrong carb - BST or something. That can be fixed.
  6. Looks like fun - nice job with the pictures.
  7. Did not see anyone posting a write up so here is an attempt at one. Feel free to PM and correct me if I have names wrong or something. Welcome home Will - It has been a long time since I joined in an SDAR Ride. I have only rode with bbg Will B4 but was very impressed with the guys that showed up. Think it was Chuck (chuckr), Chas (Goldenhillrider) , Will (BBG Will), Will (650Hucker),me Paul (KIP), and Kirk (ATCKirk) Playing around on Trail 8 b4 the group showed up Chucks new bike- clean I will post pictures of the first drop if Chuck says its ok After leaving the group to find my missing camera I rode up Trail 4 since it was so beautiful. Then I took Kernan back thru Pine Valley. I got distracted by this waterfall and forgot to keep my eyes on the trail. Did see Slagado out there and check on the computer to make sure she got home ok. Anyone see a CHP pull over a black ktm on the freeway?
  8. Looks Like fun! I Love Yosemite Valley - What group organized the ride?
  9. Is this an invitation or a warning?
  10. I am In! Congrats on getting out - welcome home! You and your bike still look like this?
  11. KIP

    Lost & Found

    Maybe we should make this a regular topic. Then I can find the owner of an Aluminum Shark Fin that I found in Corral Canyon on single track trails over a year ago.
  12. Good to be the Prez! Free Husky usage and chauffeur from the Iron door. Next time tell Mimi to give you enough time for 3 beers Glad to see the GP ride was a good one - unless you sprained your ankles
  13. KIP

    noot really a noob

    yeah - I have seen a name change or two here b4
  14. KIP

    New ride

    Start with chain lube
  15. Eagle Rock, Mo - Holiday Island and Eureka Springs Arkansas http://www.legendsofamerica.com/AR-EurekaSprings.html
  16. Went back to the Ozark Mountains to take care of a few things this weekend - Great weather, no dust and the flowers and trees are just starting to bloom. Look out for the mudholes though.
  17. KIP

    Probably a noob question but...

    The wheel jumps upon striking an irregularity on the roadway surface and results in digging. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal...=1&SRETRY=0
  18. KIP

    depleated riding skills

    Good bikes help make up for depleated skills. My wrist were hurting after a ride but then I had the suspension tuned and rebuilt. But variety is the spice of life. If you can sell the 530 for a decent price then what the heck. Buy the street bike and enjoy it for a while. Pick up a DR and sell it if you don't like it. A DR650 would be a good ADV Bike. \
  19. KIP

    Wildflowers by car?

    Coyote Canyon - drive a bit on the dirt to where you see a wash on the left. Park and walk up the wash/washes or aluvial plain. The weekend b4 last this spot was good.
  20. I like Chevron Premium - oh and throw a few beers in there too - Fat Tire or Negra Modero
  21. Be on the lookout for a big group. http://www.meetup.com/sandiegosportbikemee...endar/12725745/
  22. Getting struck from behind is not good - I always worry about being the last car at the light on a fast street. With the bike I always try to filter to the front. Something that is illegal in Arizona. Who knows if they could have split to the front? It is hard to do in big groups. Just be thankful that California allows us to do this - never allow them to make it illegal. http://www.azleg.state.az.us/search/oop/qf...HiliteType=Full http://motorcycles.about.com/b/2010/03/19/...ery-revolts.htm
  23. KIP

    Big Borrego Ride

    Posted this to give people a heads up - I have never rode with this group but it would be kinda fun to be in Borrego Springs with 100 sportbikes running around. No good if you were headed over to Jilbertos in Borrego Springs for Lunch . on that day.
  24. The driver was shuffling papers Tragic

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