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Everything posted by hobiee

  1. Bike Bandit had a bunch of parts listed for your bike, Also when I had a 1972 AT1 I got parts from Speed and Sport Inc. They have the largest Yamaha NOS part inventory in the USA. www.speedandsport.com I will be stopping by Escondido Cycle Supply this week and will check if Scott has a pipe for your bike. I have a couple plated Hodaka's, maybe sometime we will get a vintage trail ride together. Kelly thanks for the info and if a pipe is n let me know. again thank you
  2. hey jed i have a 69 ct1 i am looking to restore. Any ideas on where to locate parts, i need the complete pipe and some gaskets for the carb and some suspension work.
  3. hobiee

    Happy Birthday Strega

    Happy Birthday and nice to meet you the other day. Hopefully Brent gets your carb al fixed up for the big ride this weekend. Good guys dress in black remember that!
  4. hey akcooper, i am out in the estates as well and i may be interested in this ride on sat if you don't mind.
  5. anyone want to head out to pine valley to show us around out there. i have been on one ride in the area so far with brent and the gang but don't know my way around there yet. There will be three of us and lookin to ride in the morn if anyone would like to go let me know
  6. hobiee

    wed ride

    truckin in only cause my buddy is not street legal
  7. hobiee

    warner springs

    Has anyone ever rode out in warner springs?? Rumor has it there is a pretty sweet waterfall out there somewhere along some fire roads and some pretty good single rack on the east side of palomar mt. I think it called barker valley falls or something?
  8. hobiee

    warner springs

    Not too many people up there, so probably pretty safe. You could always chain them to the gate post, I suppose. They would have to have adventure passes on them. I always worry any time I park a trail bike anywhere that it is going to be out of my sight for more than a little while....just my nature. Here's a picture from Palomar Divide road, in the general area of the trail. We rode our dualsport bikes across the back of Palomar last August. The south end is paved, but gives way to dirt about a quarter or a third of the way up. so is it worth the day to get down to the falls? it sounds like maybe taking the jeep up there and parking might be a better option? bike chained up alone doesn't usually turn out well if left unattended to long. Hey by the way thanks for the reply's and the info
  9. hobiee

    warner springs

    Yes, you can take the road up to the Barker Valley trailhead and hike down into Barker Valley. I took a truck up there back in the 90s and hiked down. It was a dry year though, and the creek didn't have any water running in it. Here's a link: http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2008/ap.../barker-valley/ I hear there are trout in the creek (San Luis Rey river). If the creek had no water in it how did the trout get there??????? just joking of course. Hey would it be safe to park the bikes at the trailhead for the day to hike down to the falls?? locked up of course what would you think?
  10. hobiee

    warner springs

    does the hiking trail lead to the waterfall? can you ride in and park at the trailhead?
  11. hey randy i'm gonna let the cat out of the bag soon i can't keep it in anymore. Remember i heard you on the phone at the el cortez lol
  12. hobiee

    Cold Weather Gear

    the mits are ok till you go down, then they collect everything and become a royal pain, especially if it is wet
  13. hobiee

    Bike vs. Truck

    looks like the truck made a left into the bikers path???? another one of those "i didn"t see anyone coming" deals. prayers sent to both riders and the truck driver as well as i am sure they never intended to hurt anyone.
  14. hobiee

    greetings all

    hello all, My name is Brian, and i am addicted to this sport! I recently purchased an 08 450 exc-r and got it plated. Ktm has gotten my tax returns the last three years but this one is my first dual sport. I have already met a couple guys on Brents ride this past weekend out in pine valley and look forward to meeting lots more and learning my way around the san diego back country. I'm up in Ramona and am free to ride most weekends and occasionally skip out on a weekday from work but don't tell. I consider myself a newbie to the dirt scene as i have just picked up the sport about 4 years ago at the age of 31, but i grew up riding my dads street hogs back in new york. I can hold a fair pace and am always looking to get better. Hope to see you guys out there Brian(Hobiee) Holbrook
  15. hobiee

    greetings all

    I was riding my 450 exc-r. Nate was on my red white and blue 450 xc. I left after the rock meets case encounter and the flat tire change at camp. I rode off with bill.

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