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Posts posted by darylhunter

  1. After talking to the organizer and the folks I got the bike from, they both suggested the sportsman class.

    I was originally planning on just going to watch but they've about talked me in to entering.

    They both thought novice would be too easy.

    What they said was that I'd learn a lot more by riding in the event than by watching.

    Maybe they just want to see some new blood spilled . . . :lol:

    Some how between now and the event I've got to learn to balance for longer than 2 seconds before falling over :lol:

  2. Off topic, but speaking of closed areas . . . :cray:

    I rode the Husky Sunday over many of the same trails we hit last Tuesday. I must say, I'd forgotten that they are a fair bit harder on a dual sport bike that than on the Gas Gas :cray:

    I stalled and tipped over while riding up that clump of rocks up near the fire ring on the landing strip and bent in my foot peg and a bar end - not to mention getting a good whack on the butt as I fell.

    I forgot I can't go that slow on it. I'm going to have to spend more time on the Husky just to keep things in perspective :cray:

  3. non-squids.

    Such a nasty way to describe the men and women that protect the freedom of riding you so enjoy. :hysteric:

    ??? :mega_shok: By non-squids I was referring to riders who are consistant, relatively safe, hold decent lines, etc.. I was not implying that we did not allow Navy, Marines, or any other members of our armed forces membership status. Indeed, both Mike Baker and Pat Garrison were ex-marines, and I'm ex-army.

    Either you're pulling my chain or you're very new to the sport. The term "Squid" has been applied to spastic riders for probably 20 years. I've heard it on both East and West coasts, and have seen it in motorcycling literature for years. If you Google "squid motorcycle" the very first link that pops up is a wiki article:


    I don't even dislike squids. I did my fair share of mentoring and trying to show both new and squidly riders how to safely ride the mountain and to respect the local residents. Note, squidly is differentiated from new because not all new riders are recklessly unsafe. I was also a strong advocate of getting to the track and doing track days. And when someone did show up for a track day, I'd take time to ride in the C group with them and do some coaching.

  4. Hey darryl hunter is PMM PALOMAR MOUNTAIN MAFIA :hysteric: They were up at the store yesterday.

    Yup, Palomar Mountain Mafia. The name was Mike's idea.

    Back in '98 he had a bunch of decals made and some hats and a few other items. After he died in '01 at Willow Springs the stickers were getting hard to come by.

    One of the Pally regulars asked me if I had a problem with him having more stickers made and continuing on the PMM. I told him to have a ball.

    Initially the stickers were given out to a select group of friends, some fast, some average, but all of them certified non-squids.

    I can't say what the quality of the current PMM member is these days as I haven't been up there but once or twice in the last year or two and that was up Nate Harrison grade on my Husky :mega_shok:

  5. . . . took out a fellow rider head on when his bike couldnt make the corner and went into on coming traffic. . .

    . . . some of these guys are wearing stop watches trying to break their own personel best time. . . .

    After riding up there every weekend from '96 to '01, that's why I quit riding up there after my daughter(s) were born.

    Two close near head on passes in consecutive weeks was enough, I had to call it quits. Now it's just dirt bikes for me.

    This is a little like the pot calling the kettle black though, because for a time I was one of the latter group and used to record video up there and time runs too - regularly did sub six minute runs on the South Grade when no traffic was present. Also one of the founders of the PMM (me, Mike Baker, and Pat Garrison). But eventually I did start taking it to the track and raced for a few seasons.

    It's one thing to ride fast, picking up your speed in baby steps and leaving some margin for the unexpected and totally another thing for some of these novice riders trying to be "king of the mountain" their first few weeks on the mountain.

    Funny how much getting to the track and doing a little racing slows you down when you get back to the street. Nothing to prove and a lot to lose.


  6. Looks like it was a lot of fun - sorry I missed it.

    I have another Dr. appointment on the 20th and I'm hoping he'll give me the unconditional all clear this time. He had said light riding and no hard 50 mile rides yet, but the shoulder's been feeling pretty good and I thought I would give it a whirl has I have most of the strength back.

    But then I tweeked my back Friday night and had to wuss out anyway B)

    Did go out to spend an hour on the trials bike Sunday and that turned out to be enough, so it's a good thing I backed out (pun intended :D )

    I'm looking forward to the next shot at it and hope to join the group then.

  7. I have the DRZ-400E dirt only version. I was able to sneak in the window of time when the DMV changed the Red sticker status of the bike.It is geared much lower than the S version and has more power to boot. In 2000 it had adjustable suspension front and rear whereas the S version didn't - though I hear that the S and E versions now share the same suspension components.I'm 200 lbs also and it pulls me along just fine. Per my GPS it hit the rev limiter at 81.6 mph or 86.1 mph I forget which.I have a Yosh full pipe on it and air snorkle has been removed and it's been rejetted.I'm really pleased with the bike for playing in the dirt. For street riding, well I avoid that with this bike as much as I can.Having ridden 750 and 1000 cc sportbikes for the past 25 years, when it comes to the street any dual sport bike is better than walking - but just barely :-)Daryl

  8. I'm Daryl and I live in the Carlsbad area. My bike is a DRZ-400.Shifting my emphasis away from street/track riding to doing more dirt riding - when I can get time away from work :-)Love to do a BBQ some time. We've got a baby due in September so I'll probably be a bit tied up for a month or two on either side of the birth, but will do my best to make it.Daryl

  9. I think that we did the hill that you guys were talking about too.Was it just before the first checkpoint? There was a spot where I think that we confused the directions and climbed a hill that was probably only 80% as tough as the one in the Expert section in the morning loop.When I get home tonight I'll look at the tape and see if I can figure out where that was again and add a post confirming the location.Once I get a copy of the tracks for the GPS, I can load them in to my Topo program and save a map that shows a little of what the profile of the ride we did looks like. I'll post a link to the file on my web site or attach here if I can figure out how to do it.Daryl


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