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Posts posted by sdspearo

  1. Edit:

    Nevermind, spoke too soon!  I'm not able to make it this weekend after all.  This is what I get for not checking with the boss/wife first!

    I'll reschedule for a later date....


    Thinking of making a baja run on Saturday 5/7.  Basically a copy of this ride... 
    Enter TJ about 9am or so, maybe get some breakfast.  Head down 1 along the coast to Ensenada, make a left on 3 into Valle de Gaudelupe.  Stop at Deckmans for lunch.  Cross back at Tecate. All pavement, nice leisurely ride.

    Let me know if interested.

  2. Next workshop is 5/14.  I plan to attend.



    Monthly "Communicator Gateway" Workshop 

    Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
    Location: Scripps La Jolla Hospital Campus in San Diego (Schaetzel Center, next to main hospital building)
    Parking: Park in underground parking or in the above-ground parking structure. (At the workshop, please ask for the parking validation procedure.) 

    Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Scripps+Memorial+Hospital+La+Jolla

    ATTENTION people of all ages interested in Ham Radio (licensed, not licensed, or out of practice)!  

    San Diego Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will conduct another FREE monthly workshop to help participants "Get On The Air." Everyone is welcome regardless of club or organization affiliation! 

    This two-hour workshop is intended for anyone getting started (or struggling) with a handheld "HT" radio. If you attended in the past, you are welcome to return for another workshop to hone your skills. If you have an earlier edition of the free workbook, please bring it with you to this workshop.  

    The workshop starts with basics such as how to turn on the radio and then progresses to operating in simplex and repeater mode. This is a hands-on workshop in small groups led by Elmers (instructors), not a lecture. Participants receive a free workbook to guide their progress.

    What to bring: 

    1. A handheld radio, if you have one or can borrow one. Elmers will have a few loaners available. We recommend a 2m/70cm (VHF/UHF) handheld transceiver (HT).

    2. The operating manual for your radio. Please bring the entire manual - either paper copy or on a tablet.
    3. A pen, and a few paper clips or stickies to tab pages in your operating manual during the workshop. 
    4. If your HT is the Baofeng UV-5R (or other model Baofeng), please visit the web sitewww.miklor.com, print, and then bring to class copies of the documents: "On the Fly Keyboard Programming," "Keypad Layout and Functions," and "Reference and FAQ Page." These documents are much better than the manual that comes with the radio.

    This workshop follows the regularly-scheduled ARES meeting. 

    If you plan to attend the workshop, please RSVP to k6rjf.rob@gmail.com so we know how many study guides to produce, or if you have a specific interest or question. When you RSVP, please tell us which radio you will bring, and please include your call sign (if you have a call sign). 

    Thank you. 

    . . . Rob
    ARES Training Coordinator


  3. Yea, I saw that same episode and knew a trip down there was in my immediate future. Here a link to the episode, Deckman's starts at the 10 minute mark...


    This will be my next destination after I get back from the DV Noobs Rally next week.

    There was a Sam the Cooking Guy show on about that area a couple days ago. The food....wowza. They have their game on down there.

    PS. Somebody buy/give Paul something other to wear than black.

  4. Ask, and ye shall receive...what about this Sunday? Mostly dirt or street, any combo in between, it doesn't matter to me.

    Based on my limited experience and reading pretty much every review on ADVrider, I second the TKC80/K60 tire combo for your 70/30 riding. Although the TKC80 is known to cup pretty bad (like mine currently is). The k60 has a stiff sidewall and I hear you can run them pretty much flat if you had to.



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