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Neil San Diego

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Posts posted by Neil San Diego

  1. ... I'm glad we at least talked you out of "if you can just get me off of the dirt, I can ride home" mindset.

    Arnie took good care of you so mucho kudos to him.

    Yea, mucho thanks for doing my thinking for me. Trying to get home on my own was a pretty stupid thought.

    Home now with a couple of pis in the ankle and a plate on the collarbone. Airport security is going to have a blast with me.

    And a big thanks again to Arnie for taking care of the old guy!

  2. I assume it is directly correlated with traffic volume but is riding in the fast lane (or carpool lane) worse than riding in the middle traffic lanes?

    Making an assumption here, but you're moving at a faster clip in the carpool lane than in the "middle traffic lanes"? That will do it, especially with such a light bike. Still, the carpool lane should be safer even with getting moved around like a human pinball.

    Also, good advice about relaxing your grip. The handlebars are there for you to talk to the bike, and for the bike to talk to you. If you're squeezing the life out of the grips and doing pushups on the bars, no one is talking to each other.

  3. There is a "noob" ride Sunday, but about as far away from Vista as you can get...but I could think of some fun ways to get there on a bike

    Saw that listed, wish I could make it. That would be perfect for me. Unfortunately, no free time for me until after the new year. I also still need to put together a tool kit complete with tubes. That will should be a fun learning curve... :)/>

  4. New member in Vista. I've been riding street bikes for 30 years, but haven't been on a dirt bike almost that long.

    Just got a Husky Terra 650, and my wife got an XT250. Hoping to get some off road riding in soon. The little bit that I have been in the dirt with the Terra has been great.

    I've already learned a metric ton from reading here, hope to learn more soon.


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