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Posts posted by Chad

  1. Prayers for Scott's family... Made for a bummer end to the day.

    Mord... Glad to hear you're doing ok. Heal quickly!

    I went down early on too. Got the wind knocked out of me good, but recovered and was able to get three laps in. (2.5 semi-painful laps!) Courtney finished three laps with no problems. Steve's shock blew on his second lap.

    Safe rides brothers and sisters!

  2. Sorry to hear about the bike. The motorcycle community is awesome and proves it over and over.

    +1 A real bummer about the bike, but I couldn't agree more with how awesome our community is! Hoping your Ins. co. gets you/her back to whole.

  3. Sucks! Sorry to hear... My truck was stolen back in January. Recovered and resting comfortably at back home now. Will send some good Karma/JuJu/Mojo your way and hope the same for you!

    As for the perps... I hope they find their due here on earth in the form of road rash on 90% of the body. It'll stick with 'em awhile as a constant and painful reminder of the bad deed! Satan can have them later for the long term punishment due a general jacka$$ of that type.

  4. Dualler is #97, I believe, not #96. He blew by me... I tried to keep up, but yeah... no. I got wadded up once, but luckily no serious injuries.

    No official results yet. Appears there were a handful of SDAR'ers running. Agree the course was a lot of fun. Great mix of terrain.

    Really appreciate D-38, I-8 Dezert Racers, all the helpers, and specially LESAR for being at the ready to take great care of downed riders.

  5. Update on the truck… She’s been recovered, is back in the states and at my mechanic for assessment and repair. It was brought back to the US yesterday. Truck was recovered within 24 hours of being stolen, but apparently that was enough time to get away with a few things. No real details on what led to the recovery in Mexico.

    The driver’s door handle was busted and unlocked from the outside. That is apparently relatively easy to do on a Ford Super Duty. The ignition key switch lock was busted off so the truck could be started with a screw driver.

    The perps switched out all the seats and the center console. My leather Lariat captain’s seats were replaced with some crapped-out, ripped seats and the rear 60/40 folder was replaced with a bench seat. They also took both my batteries.

    Some of my personal items from inside were gone (hi-quality jumper cables, floor mats, surf racks), but apparently my taste in music was not that desirable… My CDs were all still there. HA!

    Overall though, the truck body is in good shape, tires / wheels are still on, and other items that could have been easily removed are in tact.

    So now it’s a matter of the claims adjuster assessing the damage and seeing what they’ll fix. Which should be most everything.

    Happy to have her back and I know she’s in good hands for repair!

    Thanks for all the advice, insights and concerns! I'll be haulin' out to CC and McC again soon!!

  6. Not a whole lot of additional details since the last update... Followed up with my claims adjuster yesterday. She told me Automobile Club's Mexican liaison is petitioning the Mexican Federal Prosecutor to get the truck back to the US. She said the liaison is hoping within 2 weeks, but that's not a given "when dealing with a foreign government." Guessing the perps got nabbed with the truck if it's in the possession of the federal prosecutor, but who knows.

    So I continue to sit biding my time... Still hopeful tho!

    Thanks for checking in!

  7. THAT's just the story I wanted to hear! :lmaosmiley::upsidedown:

    I'm hopeful, but I realize "recovery" could mean anything until the truck is back in my hands. I'll just keep holding my breath and hoping for the best!

    Very much appreciate all the insights, assistance, and "emotional support" from all you SDAR folks!!

    The saga continues. . .

  8. Can't you go down and pick it up yourself Chad?

    Not entirely sure of the requirements, but I think my insurance co has to do that in order to preserve any claim I may have to make / they have to pay. Still have no details on the condition of my truck. Will keep ya'all posted...

  9. I have Lojack and police report filed... Hopeful for her return, but not expecting much.

    Hey Chad, I thought Lojack only works in areas with Lojack coverage... was Lojack used to locate your truck in Mexico? Looking into installing this for my truck, but not if it doesn't work the second it leaves "San Diego" Lojack area...

    Hey Seth...

    I have no details yet on the recovery or the condition of my truck. All my claims adjuster knew (or at least communicated to me) was that my truck was "in the system" as recovered. Didn't know how/why it was recovered or even who had it. Said it could be an impound yard, police, DA, etc. I had to execute a Mexican power of attorney so Automobile Club's contractor could deal with the Mexican authorities and whomever else to get the truck back to the US. That was sent to Automobile Club only yesterday. My guess is I'll be in limbo for another week or so before I know any more details. Plan to call Lojack as well and see if they have any details from their side.

    I'll keep posting updates / details here as I get them...

  10. The Baby has been located in Mexico!! Now just a matter of how easy/difficult it will be to bring her back! (And what condition it is in...) AAA is working on it now.

    Thanks to everyone for the assistance and positive mojo! I'll keep you posted...

  11. I contacted a coworker at RATT (Regional Auto Theft Team) and requested LPR and border crossing checks. SDPD has LoJack equipped cars so hopefully it'll ping off of those. The grid guidance system in those is pretty good.

    If it's south of the border but stationary, we have contractors who locate vehicles for us, so let me know if you hear anything on your end. I'll PM my number.

    I don't know if Ford has a version of GM's OnStar, but we had success with a Hyundai 2 weeks ago using their Bluetooth system to locate and disable the vehicle. Had a contractor pick it up.

    Thanks Ken! Responded to your PM as well. Very much appreciate you contacting your resources!


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