Well it happened. I was out riding with some of my regular riding crew in an area we ride through all the time. The terrain must have changed a little from the last time I rode through there because of some of the winter storms. This is usually a 50 mph area and I was probably riding about that speed when I hit something, not sure what. The next thing I remember is laying facedown with LB holding me still and telling me to try and not move. I can’t thank my riding partners enough  LB, PMB and Randy for how they handled the situation from that point on. It’s super important that you trust your crew to be able to handle a situation and very fortunate to ride with some of the best. Nice helicopter ride to Palomar Hospital and 4 days in the Trauma unit with 7 broken ribs most with multiple breaks and a collapsed lung. This all happened on 12/22 so I got to spend Christmas in the hospital. I’m home and recovering well. I’m up and about and taking short walks in my neighborhood (very short). I’ll probably be back on the bike in March. Don’t know how this will effect my riding, time will tell.   All photos by PMB
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